Coverage of HIV prevention services for female sex workers in seven cities of Myanmar

Aung, T.; Paw, E.; Aye, N.Me.; McFarland, W.

Aids and Behavior 18 Suppl. 1: S37-S41


ISSN/ISBN: 1573-3254
PMID: 23695521
DOI: 10.1007/s10461-013-0523-z
Document Number: 579857
Cross-sectional surveys of female sex workers using time-location sampling in seven cities of Myanmar gauged coverage of HIV prevention programs. HIV testing in last year ranged from 28 to 73 %; attending peer educator talks ranged from 15 to 50 %; exposure to media campaigns varied by city and materials (e.g., lower for TV and radio, higher for printed materials). Consistent condom use with clients in last week was high (88-99 %) across all cities. The largest city, Yangon, lagged behind others in coverage of most programs. Such data are necessary for planning, targeting, and evaluating the prevention response for this key population disproportionately affected by HIV.

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