Fourteen years' experience with the CarboMedics valve in young adults with aortic valve disease
Aagaard, J.; Tingleff, J.; Andersen, P.V.; Hansen, C.N.
Journal of Heart Valve Disease 12(1): 81-86
ISSN/ISBN: 0966-8519 PMID: 12578341 Document Number: 566671
Homografts and the Ross procedure are recommended by many surgeons for aortic valve replacement (AVR) in young adults. The study aim was to monitor patient outcome over a 14-year period after implanting mechanical CarboMedics prosthetic heart valves in young adults with aortic valve disease. Between November 1987 and December 2000, 55 patients (42 males, 13 females; median age 33 years; range 15-40 years) each received a CarboMedics valve in the aortic position. All patients were included on a consecutive and non-selected basis. Concomitant surgery was performed in five patients. Anticoagulation was commenced on postoperative day 1. After discharge, patients were followed up by their cardiologist or general practitioner using questionnaires and telephone calls. Actuarial estimates of survival and freedom from morbid events were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. No patient died during surgery. Complete follow up data were available for all patients; total follow up was 404 patient-years (pt-yr). The 30-day mortality rate was zero. Actuarial survival at 14 years was 90 +/- 4.9%, and actuarial freedom from all valve-related events 92 +/- 3.7%. No valve thrombosis or major bleeding events were identified. Linearized rates per 100 pt-yr were: embolism 0.25; paravalvular leakage 0.25; prosthetic endocarditis 0.25; and reoperation 0.50. There was no hemolysis, prosthetic valve dysfunction, or structural deterioration. Over a 14-year period, implantation of the CarboMedics prosthetic heart valve has proven to be an excellent solution for AVR in young adults with aortic valve disease.