HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination in Nigeria: review of research studies and future directions for prevention strategies
Monjok, E.; Smesny, A.; Essien, E.James.
African Journal of Reproductive Health 13(3): 21-35
ISSN/ISBN: 1118-4841 PMID: 20690259 Document Number: 565955
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection and AIDS remain a major public health crisis in Nigeria which harbors more people living with HIV than any other country in the world, except South Africa and India. A significant challenge to the success of achieving universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support by 2010 is HIV-AIDS stigma and discrimination. Eight studies looking at some degree of measurement of stigma and discrimination in Nigeria were reviewed in an attempt to investigate the cultural context of stigma, health seeking behavior and the role both perceived and community stigma play in HIV prevention. Results suggest that reducing stigma does increase the individual as well as community acceptance of people living with HIV-AIDS (PLWHAs), but long term studies are needed. Some suggestions are recommended for future research on culture specific stigma studies in Nigeria.