Knowledge and awareness of female sex workers towards human papillomavirus infection in Turkey

Ersan, G.ür.; Köse, S.ük.; Gunes, H.; Ozkan, M.

Central European Journal of Public Health 20(3): 219-222


ISSN/ISBN: 1210-7778
PMID: 23285524
DOI: 10.1007/s10389-011-0454-y
Document Number: 565611
The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and awareness of female sex workers (FSWs) about human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in Turkey. 239 brothel-based FSWs were recruited for an interview. A questionnaire was completed by face to face interview. The demographic features, the level of knowledge, and awareness about HPV infection of the participants were recorded. A total of 152 (63.6%) were over 30 years of age, and 210 (87.9%) completed primary education. 122 FSWs (50.9%) were using condom, and about one third had high frequency of sexual contacts. Knowledge scores were < OR =4 in 181 (75.7%) FSWs. Low education and higher age group were not significant predictors of low knowledge scores. Low education was not an independent risk factor for awareness but higher age group participants were significantly less aware of risks associated with HPV infection (p = 0.019) although overall score was very poor (0.60 +/- 0.68). The knowledge and awareness about HPV infection and its possible consequences (cervical cancer) as well as the utility of screening methods among FSWs in Turkey are extremely poor. HPV-focused educational programmes for targeted populations, e.g. FSWs and young adults prior to their sexual activity, should be launched urgently to increase awareness of the risks associated with HPV infection and thus reducing the incidence of cervical cancer in Turkey in the future.

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