P12.07Delivering increased service provision: ippf experience of providing targeted technical support within existing srh service delivery points for strengthened sti-specific service provision

Coimbra, Joao Carlos; Pinto, Iraja Damiani; Wurdig, Norma Luiza; Do Carmo, Dermeval Aparecido

Sexually Transmitted Infections 91(Suppl 2): A188.1-A188


ISSN/ISBN: 1368-4973
DOI: 10.1136/sextrans-2015-052270.487
Document Number: 564891
Introduction In 2013, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) set out a strategy for increasing service provision across the Ippf Member Associations (MAs). A key service area identified for rapid scale-up was sexually transmitted infections (STIs). As a global service provider of sexual and reproductive health (SRH), the prevention and management of STIs has long been an integral part of IPPF's mission. However, the provision of services for STIs, other than HIV, has been a lower priority among many Ippf MAs in recent years.

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