Comparison of craniofacial skeletal structures in adult high-angle and low-angle facial skeletal types
Zhao, Z.; Xiao, D.; Gao, H.
Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi 21(2): 136-139
ISSN/ISBN: 1000-1182 PMID: 12838702 Document Number: 555867
The purpose of this study was to compare the differences of craniofacial characteristics of adult high-angle and low-angle facial skeletal types. The subjects consisted of 37 yellow race adults (17 high-angle, 20 low-angle). Fifty-three items of cephlometic radiographs were analyzed. The angle of N-S-Ar and N-S-Ba, the distance of Ptm-A, Co-Go, Po-NB, and S-Go, and the thickness of the mandibular symphysis in high-angle group were smaller than these in low-angle group. The angles of SN-OP, FH-OP, PP-OP, SN-MP, FH-MP, PP-MP, S-Ar-Go, mandibular angle(Ar-Go-Me), Y-angel and SUM, the distance of S-Co, N-Me, and ANS-Me in high-angle group were greater than these in low-angle group. The index of FHI, N-ANS/N-Me, and N-ANS/ANS-Me were smaller, and ANS-Me/N-Me larger in high-angle group. Although the means of Go-Po and FH-RP were smaller in high angle group, but no statistical difference were found. The craniofacial morphology of adult high-angle and low-angle facial skeletal types demonstrated significant differences, especially in lower facial form.