Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia in a patient treated with amiodarone

Boras, Z.; Krizanac, S.; Rakusić, N.

Lijecnicki Vjesnik 125(5-6): 131-134


ISSN/ISBN: 0024-3477
PMID: 14533463
Document Number: 555568
Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) is a well-defined clinicopathological entity. The aetiology of BOOP is generally unknown, although it has been associated with specific diseases or various pharmaceutical drugs. The amiodarone is one of them. We report a patient with BOOP secondary to amiodarone therapy, who presented with cough, fever and sputum production, dyspnoea and night sweats lasting for two months. A chest radiograph showed bilateral patchy and interstitial infiltrates. Lymphocyte phenotyping of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid showed decreased ratio of CD4+:CD8+ lymphocytes. Transbronchial lung biopsy established the diagnosis of BOOP. After stopping amiodarone therapy, symptoms disappeared and the chest radiograph remained normal within two months.

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