A cross-sectional survey of relationships between sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and reproductive health behaviour among female university students

Kim, H.Young.; Park, M.; Lee, E.

Contemporary Nurse 54(6): 640-650


ISSN/ISBN: 1037-6178
PMID: 30513057
DOI: 10.1080/10376178.2018.1556104
Document Number: 554116
Reproductive health includes responsible, satisfying, and safe sex as well as reproductive well-being. This study aimed to examine relationships between sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and reproductive health behaviour among female college students. Cross-sectional survey. Female undergraduate students (N = 407) from 4 universities completed a series of self-report questionnaires consisted of sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and reproductive health behaviour. Reproductive health behaviour was significantly influenced by sexual knowledge (β = .67) and sexual attitudes (β = .20). Structural equation modelling indicated that sexual knowledge directly and indirectly affected reproductive health behaviour with sexual attitudes acting as a mediator. The findings indicate that it is necessary to consider sexual attitudes as well as sexual knowledge in promoting young women's reproductive health behaviour. The results may guide the development of sexual education programmes for young women. Impact Statement: Sexual attitude is an important factor influencing relationship between sexual knowledge and reproductive health behaviour among young female.

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