Evaluation of leukemic contamination in peripheral blood stem cell leukaphereses vs bone marrow after consolidation therapy in acute myeloid leukemia: not a critical factor in outcome?

Melillo, L.; Specchia, G.; Ferrara, F.; Minervini, M.Marta.; Pastore, D.; Carella, A.M.

Haematologica 88(6): 715-718


ISSN/ISBN: 0390-6078
PMID: 12801851
Document Number: 553570
Evaluation of leukemic contamination in peripheral blood stem cell leukaphereses and in bone marrow after consolidation therapy in 40 patients with acute myeloid leukemia presenting cytogenetic/molecular abnormalities at diagnosis shows a close relationship between persistence of the disease-related clone, adverse karyotype and poor prognosis.

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