Mixed chimerism after bone marrow transplantation for thalassemia major

Li, C.Kong.; Chik, K.Wai.; Tsang, K.Sze.; Pong, H.; Shing, M.M.K.; Yuen, P.M.P.

Haematologica 87(7): 781-782


ISSN/ISBN: 0390-6078
PMID: 12091135
Document Number: 549054
Thirty-four thalassemia patients were studied for chimerism by fluorescent in situ hybridization or variable number tandem repeats after bone marrow transplantation. Mixed chimerism was detected in 9 patients with host cells ranging from 4 to 56%. One had graft rejection and the others were transfusion independent. Mixed chimerism was common but mostly without deleterious effect.

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