Installation of a toxicology information center at the National University Hospital Center of Cotonou (Benin)
Arouko, H.
Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique 95(3): 214-216
ISSN/ISBN: 0037-9085 PMID: 12404876 Document Number: 548563
The need for toxicology information centres in West Africa in order to improve the management of poisoning, diagnosis and prevention is now largely recognised. African Governments have been encouraged to support the establishment of such centres equipped with appropriate means for prevention and management. Burden of toxic morbidity and mortality in Benin incited the Public Health Ministry to pursue this policy. The project has been integrated as part of the process seeking to reinforce emergency services in Benin. It consists of providing the emergency services with the means of prevention and management of poisonings. The principal functions of such a centre will be providing information on toxicology as well as recommendations for poisoning management, toxicovigilance, research, education and training in prevention and treatment of poisoning. This project will involve health workers, national authorities and the entire population of Benin. The estimated cost cost is 572,000 euros over 3 years.