Statistics must be seen and scrutinized! Fundamental to the progress of medical science--yet neglected in medical journals
Taube, A.
Lakartidningen 99(51-52): 5176-5179
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-7205 PMID: 12572313 Document Number: 548255
Even the most respectable medical journals contain questionable conclusions, frequently based on erroneous statistical analyses. A common attitude among medical researchers seems to be that a deeper knowledge of statistical theory is not necessary--it might suffice to be acquainted with the statistical program packages. The most common statistical errors in medical manuscripts are related either to the structure of the data or to misunderstandings regarding the logic in some basic statistical procedures, especially significance analysis. Editors should designate professional statisticians to sort out those manuscripts which require further scrutiny from a statistical point of view. This can be organized on a consultative basis outside the framework of the traditional, "blinded" peer-review system. The assessments made by the medical journals have come to play a very specific role in the Swedish academic system with respect to doctoral dissertations. Further discussion of present procedures in this area would be highly desirable.