Intubation of the small intestine in emergency abdominal surgery

Guzeev, A.I.

Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. Grekova 161(2): 92-95


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-4625
PMID: 12216145
Document Number: 544717
The author's 33-years experiences with intubation of the small intestine include 7,398 patients with acute surgical diseases and injuries of the abdomen. The absolute and relative indications for using this method and technical means of its performing are determined. During the first day after operation 74 of 398 patients died because of their terminal state. The clinical effect of complete reestablishment of the motor-evacuatory function of the gastrointestinal tract followed by a discharge from the hospital was obtained in 324 patients. There were 8 complications as a result of an error during intubation of the small intestine with one lethal outcome. The author estimates the total intubation of the small intestine as one of the ways to reduce postoperative lethality in the complex treatment of the most sever group of patients with peritonitis and intestinal obstruction.

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