Calcifying sclerosing tumor of the ovary: a late stage of sclerosing stromal tumor?
Zámecník, M.
Ceskoslovenska Patologie 38(3): 121-124
ISSN/ISBN: 1210-7875 PMID: 12325477 Document Number: 542640
An unusual calcifying tumor of the ovary occurring in a 23-year-old woman is described. The tumor did not produce any endocrine symptoms. Histologically, it was paucicellular and displayed extensive sclerotic stroma with numerous calcifications. The fibroblast-like cells were arranged in vague pseudolobules thus resembling overall the architecture of the sclerosing stromal tumor (SST), but the hemangiopericytoma-like vasculature typical of SST was not seen. However, immunohistochemical endothelial markers CD31 and CD34 showed a surprisingly high number of small vessels that were not apparent in hematoxylin-eosin stained sections. The tumor cells were positive for alpha-inhibin, CD99, actin, and negative for desmin, S100 protein, and epithelial markers. This type of ovarian stromal tumor may represent a calcifying stage of SST.