Spans and suspensions: building bridges and water security through integrated water resource management

Catley-Carlson, M.

Water Science and Technology a Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 45(8): 7-17


ISSN/ISBN: 0273-1223
PMID: 12019835
Document Number: 542192
There are three chasms that block the route to water security: the impact of population growth (and the associated urbanization); widespread malnutrition and poverty; conflict between agricultural demand and other human uses of water. To cross these chasms requires firstly education (primary education for girls is crucial) and the introduction of integrated water resource management. It requires the application of community energies and dedication, and the harnessing of private sector energies resources, but it will also need the development of innovative financial mechanisms. Above all it requires a major shift in the way we manage water, discarding prejudices and preconceptions, to address our water needs with imagination and commitment.

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