Frequency of isolation of viable tuberculosis bacteria from patients with different forms of lung tuberculosis

Iavors'ka, G.V.; Sybirna, R.I.

Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal 64(1): 82-86


ISSN/ISBN: 0201-8462
PMID: 11944351
Document Number: 541171
Tuberculosis mycobacteria isolated from patients with lung tuberculosis have been analyzed to define their viability. The character of bacterial excretions was studied in patients with different clinical forms and detection genesis of tuberculosis process. During 1998-2000 about 228 cases of growth absence after mycobacteria inoculation have been revealed under positive microscopy. When determining viability of tuberculosis mycobacteria, it was shown that in most cases patients with all the forms of the pathologic process, except for the fibrous-cavernysh form, excrete alive microorganisms. The considerably higher amount of alive tuberculosis mycobacteria was distinguished in people who had chronical or relapsed tuberculosis in comparison with newly diagnosed patients.

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