Evaluation of self-measurement of blood pressure im ambulatory monitoring of hypertension therapy

Stepień, M.; Stepień, A.; Matusewicz, W.

Przeglad Lekarski 59(9): 756-758


ISSN/ISBN: 0033-2240
PMID: 12632904
Document Number: 541073
The aim of this study was to compare the usefulness and credibility of ambulatory self-measurement of blood pressure (SMBP) by hypertensive patients to automatic ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). The study was performed in 51 patients with primary hypertension (19 F, 32 M), aged 25-67 y divided into 3 groups: I-without treatment (n = 13), II-receiving monotherapy (n = 17) and III-treated at least with 2 hypotensive drugs (n = 21). For three consecutive days, patients measured their systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR) three times a day at 2 minute intervals during the following periods 06:00-08:00, 15:00-17:00 and 20:00-22:00. Afterwards, the process was repeated for three days using the automatic OMRON HEM-705C device. Results obtained on the second and third days were included in the calculation of SBP, DBP and HR mean values for the period 06:00-22:00. On the fourth day of the study, ABPM was performed with a Tycos Quiet Trak recorder. The parameters were measured every 20 minutes between 06:00 and 22:00. The average values for SBP, DBP and HR that were obtained with these two methods of blood pressure monitoring using the time period 06:00-22:00, were then compared. There was a significant correlation between SMBP and ABPM for SBP, DBP and HR in groups I, II and III (for SBP r = 0.81; 0.80; 0.82; for DBP r = 0.61; 0.62; 0.83; for HR r = 0.53; 0.69; 00.81). According to statistical tests, significant differences in the mean values of SBP, DBP and HR were found in the first (3.9 mmHg, 5.7 mmHg and 8 min-1 and second (4.9 mmHg, 6.2 mmHg and 6.2 min-1) groups. Only the HR (7.7 min-1) was statistically significant in the third group. Self-measurement of BP with automatic device is comparable to ABPM method of blood pressure monitoring, especially if multi-drug therapy is used for sustained hypertension. However, SMBP is not a completely alternative method for ABPM.

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