Loose anagen hair syndrome: a familial case with fetal hair in meconium

Khadir, K.; Habibeddine, S.; Azzouzi, S.; Lakhdar, H.; Van Neste, D.

Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie 128(1): 52-54


ISSN/ISBN: 0151-9638
PMID: 11226903
Document Number: 540021
Loose anagen hair syndrome is a recently described hair disorder. We report a familial case. Two sisters were examined, 4 years-old and 8 months old, from a consanguineous marriage. At birth, they presented diffuse alopecia of the scalp; the meconium contained black and silky hair. Clinical examination noted the short, fine hair with easy and painless uprooting. No clinical associated symptoms were observed. The trichogram showed 70 p. 100 of anagen hair and 30 p. 100 of telogen hairs. Our familial case is original by this clinical symptom: discharge of probably dystrophic foetal hair in the meconium. Loose anagen hair is characterised by easily pluckable hair. The trichogram confirms the diagnostic. It is composed of anagen hairs (80 to 100 p. 100) devoid of sheaths. The loose anagen hair is usually isolated, but associations have been reported. It may occur in families. The precise pathogenesis and treatment of this hair disorder are not known.

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