Bronchoscopic diagnosis and staging of lung cancer

Savage, C.; Morrison, R.J.; Zwischenberger, J.B.

Chest Surgery Clinics of North America 11(4): 701


ISSN/ISBN: 1052-3359
PMID: 11780291
Document Number: 535882
In the past 2 decades, flexible bronchoscopy (FB) with forceps biopsy and transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA); computed tomography (CT)-guided, transthoracic fine-needle aspiration (FNA); and endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) have revolutionized lung cancer diagnosis and staging by facilitating precise biopsy of lung lesions and virtually all mediastinal lymph-node stations. In this article the authors present an algorithm for the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer that addresses sampling of suspicious lesions and lymph nodes by means of FB, CT, ultrasonography, fluoroscopy, and EUS, emphasizing tissue-based diagnosis and staging by means of image-guided technology with the highest diagnostic yield. They discuss the approach to the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer by techniques guided by FB, with particular attention to the increasing role of TBNA in this field. Additionally, the authors propose a rating scale based on the degree of invasiveness and diagnostic yield, comparing FB with other diagnostic techniques.

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