Effects of acute pharmacological blockade of the renin-angiotensin system on intrarenal hemodynamics in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic scleroderma

Bugrova, O.V.; Kutyrina, I.M.; Bagirova, V.V.; Morozova, E.V.; Gromova, M.M.

Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 73(6): 20-25


ISSN/ISBN: 0040-3660
PMID: 11521515
Document Number: 535722
To evaluate effects of an ACE inhibitor captopril on intrarenal hemodynamics during acute test in patients with lupus nephritis (LN) and chronic sclerodermic nephropathy (CSN). Renal hemodynamics was studied using ultrasound duplex scanning of renal vessels (UDS) on Vingmed SD-100 unit in 5 patients with SLE with renal affection, 5 patients with scleroderma systematica (SS) with renal affection. The hemodynamic parameters were measured before and 1 hour after administration of 50 mg captopril. LN were found to have low arterial perfusion. CSN patients exhibited low intrarenal blood flow in high resistance of small vessels. Captopril improved intrarenal hemodynamics (enhancement of linear and volume blood flow) in LN patients; in CSN renal artery dilated and resistance of small vessels reduced while renal arterial perfusion increased. Improvement of intrarenal hemodynamics in LN and CSN patients in response to captopril allows to recommend administration of ACE inhibitors in SLE and SS with renal damage. Ultrasonic duplex scanning of renal vessels provides detailed information about the condition of intrarenal vessels without invasion.

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