The allergic pregnant woman
Pâris-Köhler, A.; Megret-Gabeaud, M.L.; Fabre, C.; Mares, P.; Vincent, D.
Allergie et Immunologie 33(10): 399-403
ISSN/ISBN: 0397-9148 PMID: 11802481 Document Number: 535606
Drugs administrated to pregnant women must be carefully monitored. Prevention of dietary sensitization in foetus via the mother is still discussed. However, it must not induce any dietary deficiency to both the mother and the foetus. Environmental prevention is also controversial. Asthmatic pregnant women must be treated because under- or non treatment is more dangerous for both the woman and the foetus compared to eventual drug side effect. Asthma must be treated with inhaled glucocorticosteroid in order to be stabilized because giving birth is the only moment which can not be interrupted. Antihistamine-H1 which can be used during pregnancy are dexchlorpheniramine for the first and second third and cetirizine during the last third of the pregnancy.