Health care time of crisis, crises in health care--current reality in B&H Health Care System
Salihovic, H.; Kulenovic, F.; Tanovic-Mikulec, E.
Medicinski Arhiv 55(1): 17-18
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-8083 PMID: 11300070 Document Number: 535562
In the period from 1945 till 1992 the health protection had constant growth of coverage, availability and quality of protection in the promotion of health care of the inhabitants, and the health care activity noticed spreading of the network of health care institutions, evidently staff improving of all profiles of health care workers, and supplying of equipment so said in the accordance with the movements in for developed countries. The detaching for health care in 1990 amounted 6.9 per cent of that time BDP. The period from 1991 till 1955 is difficulty to analyze, because of the disturbances which appear in all sphere of life and work, and the period from 1996 till 1999 can be analyzed, from the already known reasons, only for the area of the Federation. The correct amount of the means of payment spent for health care in the postwar period is impossible incorrectly to confirm, except detaching from BDP (1999 3.7 per cent) arrived the donations in equipment, drugs, sanitary material, training of staff, free of charge experts, means for the reconstruction of objects, to this in the future cannot be considered. Besides that the rate of detaching for the health care from BDP is less than before the war, BDP by it self is far lesser what means that the means of payment detached are far lesser. It is necessary the URGENT reform of health care financing system, evaluation strategy of the reform of health care which up-to-now did not show shifts, the bringing of instruments of planning in the health care, instruments of quality control, the legislator must define clearly the relations between the private practice, patients and state funds.