College students' condom use errors: who is experiencing breaking and slipping?

Moore, E.Whitney.

Sexually transmitted infections 88(5): 351


ISSN/ISBN: 1472-3263
PMID: 22436196
DOI: 10.1136/sextrans-2012-050540
Document Number: 535355
Few studies have investigated college students' condom use errors.1–4 I explored differences between students who reported condom errors and those who did not. Participants included 259 college students (mean age = 19.5, 74.1% female subjects; 46.7% Caucasian) who reported having ever had vaginal or anal sex. They completed a questionnaire about demographics, sexual behaviour and four attitudinal items (rated on a 5-point scale with higher scores indicating greater agreement) regarding whether condoms prevent enjoyment of sex, condoms' effectiveness in preventing sexually transmitted infections, motivation to use condoms and ability to correctly use a condom. An institutional review board approved study procedures.Most (88.8%, n=23) used condoms at least sometimes during vaginal sex and 52.2% (n=35) during anal sex. Overall, 27.4% (n=71) reported condom breakage, and 23.2% (n=6) reported condom slippage. No differences in demographics or condom attitudes were found, which is surprising given.

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