Analysis of HIV/AIDS Epidemic and Socioeconomic Factors in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sun, S.; Li, Z.; Zhang, H.; Jiang, H.; Hu, X.

Entropy 22(11)


ISSN/ISBN: 1099-4300
PMID: 33286998
DOI: 10.3390/e22111230
Document Number: 531125
Sub-Saharan Africa has been the epicenter of the outbreak since the spread of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) began to be prevalent. This article proposes several regression models to investigate the relationships between the HIV/AIDS epidemic and socioeconomic factors (the gross domestic product per capita, and population density) in ten countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, for 2011-2016. The maximum likelihood method was used to estimate the unknown parameters of these models along with the Newton-Raphson procedure and Fisher scoring algorithm. Comparing these regression models, there exist significant spatiotemporal non-stationarity and auto-correlations between the HIV/AIDS epidemic and two socioeconomic factors. Based on the empirical results, we suggest that the geographically and temporally weighted Poisson autoregressive (GTWPAR) model is more suitable than other models, and has the better fitting results.

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