Care of polytrauma and the conflict between "acting and omitting". Medical, ethical and legal aspects in the current debate on the legal validity of patient directives

Schweigkofler, U.; Schmidt, K.W.; Rothärmel, S.; Hoffmann, R.

Der Unfallchirurg 109(9): 770-776


ISSN/ISBN: 0177-5537
PMID: 16897029
DOI: 10.1007/s00113-006-1080-y
Document Number: 529549
When treating the seriously injured, physicians are called upon to take into account not only what is medically possible, but also what is ethically and legally viable. This results in an area of conflict between 'acting and omitting', in which medical actions have to be weighed up and justified with regard to the individual diagnosis, prognosis and will of the patient. In this paper the medical, ethical and legal aspects of this problematic area are illustrated using a case example, and placed in the context of the current debate on the legal validity of the extent and liability of advance patient directives.

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