Insurance medical consultation in private health insurance - which insurance medical questions are put to the medical consultant?

Hakimi, R.; Herre, K.; Seyffer, R.

Versicherungsmedizin 67(1): 25-30


ISSN/ISBN: 0933-4548
PMID: 25971146
Document Number: 529514
This study deals with the task areas of the medical consultant in private health insurance. Although insurance medical consultation for the insurance business originated in the 19th century, the tasks and competencies of the medical consultants are still mostly unknown. This study is a complete inventory count of all insurance medical consultation requests for the year 2013. All of the 5493 insurance medical consultation requests have been evaluated. Most of the consultation requests concern the medical necessity for medical drugs, followed by the medical consultation of alternative medicine and the classification of cure and rehabilitation measures of hospital medical treatments. The need for insurance medical consultation on lifestyle drugs, cosmetic operations and artificial insemination has increased significantly in the past 10 years. Since 2009, moreover, the need for medical consultation on the subject of "Ruhensleistungen" with regard to non-payers and "Notlagentarif" has strongly increased.

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