Viral-bacterial-fungal associations in chronic tonsillitis in children
Gudima, I.A.; Vasil'eva, L.I.; Bragina, L.E.; Suchkov, I.Iu.
Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 2001(5): 16-19
ISSN/ISBN: 0372-9311 PMID: 11871292 Document Number: 527845
The microflora of palatal tonsils was studied in 84 children with chronic tonsillitis in comparison with that in the control group of 38 healthy children. In most of the sick children viral-bacterial and less frequently viral-bacterial-fungal associations were detected with the prevalence of reo- and adenoviruses, Epstein-Barr viruses, coagulase negative staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus, as well as peptostreptococci. Adhesive activity and persistence factors among the main bacterial pathogens were shown to be widely prevalent. The depth of the lesion of tonsillar tissue by the infective agents of bacterial and fungal nature, as well as their persistence potential, depended on the taxonomic position of these microorganisms.