Virtual training simulator--designer of EEG signals for tutoring students and doctors to methods of quantitative EEG analysis (qEEG)
Mayorov, O.Y.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 77: 573-577
ISSN/ISBN: 0926-9630 PMID: 11187618 Document Number: 525580
Within the framework of the system for computer diagnostics of EEG (qEEG) NeuroResearcher 5.2 is created virtual training simulator--designer of EEG signals and models multidimensional neurodynamic systems of the brain. It is intended for tutoring with minimum engaging of mathematical formulas of doctors and students to comprehension of essence of mathematical methods (classical correlation and spectral analysis and newest methods of multi-dimensional analysis of neurodynamic systems of the brain), which are successfully used for quantitative EEG (qEEG).