The function of a centre. (1) The advantages and disadvantages of a provincial as compared with a centrally sited holding. (2) Try to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages in terms of money. (3) Glasshouse horticulture is also quite possible elsewhere

Groenewegen, C.A.M.; Duffhues, W.F.S.

Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij 30(31): 33-12


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-2223
Document Number: 519234
In Part (1) the factors are discussed that should be taken into account by growers when selecting the siting of a new horticultural holding. These include differences in the relative price of land, soil and water quality, relative atmospheric pollution, labour availability, and marketing and other factors. Part (2) suggests that whether a grower sets up his business in a centre of production or outside such a centre depends on many factors. It is shown how to evaluate the three factors of soil, labour and transport. Part (3) indicates that in general returns are lower on holdings situated outside the main centres of production, at least for vegetable crops. The possible reasons for this are discussed.

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