The role of the nurse in developing cancer screening programs

Mahon, S.M.

Oncology Nursing Forum 27(9 Suppl): 19-27


ISSN/ISBN: 0190-535X
PMID: 11058980
Document Number: 513337
To describe and provide an overview of the role that nurses can play in developing cancer screening programs. Published articles, book chapters, and clinical experience. Many approaches and considerations are available for developing cancer screening programs. Planning considerations include needs assessment, patient-education strategies, funding, recruitment issues, follow-up strategies, staffing, policy development, and evaluation. An understanding of these considerations may lead to more effective cancer screening programs. Nurses can play an integral role in the development and management of cancer screening programs. Careful program planning may enhance this process. Oncology nurses need to consider a wide range of issues when developing cancer screening programs, including the purpose of the program, how the program will be implemented, the population being served, and the potential impact on individuals being served.

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