An open, minimally invasive approach to the lumbar spine

Dewald, C.J.; Millikan, K.W.; Hammerberg, K.W.; Doolas, A.; Dewald, R.L.

American Surgeon 65(1): 61-68


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-1348
PMID: 9915535
Document Number: 509244
A minimum 2-year follow-up retrospective review was undertaken to assess our experience with an anterior paramedian muscle-sparing approach to the lumbar spine for anterior spinal fusion (ASF). The records of 28 patients (November 1991 through January 1996) undergoing ASF via a left lower quadrant transverse skin incision (6-10 cm) with a paramedian anterior rectus fascial Z-plasty retroperitoneal approach were reviewed. Diagnosis, number, and level of lumbar interspaces fused, types of fusion, estimated blood loss, length of procedure, length of hospital stay, and complications were analyzed. All cases were completed as either a same-day anterior/posterior (24 of 28) or as a staged procedure at least 1 week after posterior fusion (4 of 28). The General Surgery service performed the muscle-sparing approach, whereas the Orthopedic Spine service performed the ASF. There were 14 men and 14 women, with a mean age of 35.5 years (range, 11-52 years). Diagnoses included spondylolisthesis in 20 cases (including four grade III or IV slips), segmental instability (degenerative or postsurgical) in 7, and 1 flatback deformity. A single level was fused in 20 cases (L4/5 in 4 and L5/S1 in 16), two levels were fused in 5 cases (L4/5 and L5/S1) and three levels were fused in 2 cases (L3/4, L4/5, and L5/S1). The mean length of stay was 7.4 days (range, 5-12 days). The mean estimated blood loss was 300 mL for the anterior procedure alone and 700 ml for both anterior/posterior procedures on the same day. The mean length of operating room time for the anterior approach and fusion was 117 minutes (range, 60-330 minutes). Posterior instrumentation was used in all cases. Anterior interbody struts used included 19 autogenous tricortical grafts, 4 fresh-frozen allografts (2 femoral rings and 2 iliac crests), 3 carbon fiber cages packed with autogenous bone, and a Harms titanium cage with autograft. There was one L5 corpectomy for which a large tricortical allograft strut was utilized. There were no vascular, visceral, or urinary tract injuries. In three cases a mild ileus developed, which resolved spontaneously. We conclude that the anterior paramedian muscle-sparing retroperitoneal approach is safe, uses a small skin incision, avoids cutting abdominal wall musculature, and allows for multiple-level anterior spinal fusions by a variety of interbody fusion techniques. This approach does not require transperitoneal violation or added endoscopic instrumentation, nor does it limit fusion level and technique of fusion, as is the case with the recently popularized laparoscopic approach to the lumbar spine.

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