A comparison of the new preservation solution Celsior to Euro-Collins and University of Wisconsin solutions in lung reperfusion injury

Roberts, R.F.; Nishanian, G.P.; Carey, J.N.; Sakamaki, Y.; Starnes, V.A.; Barr, M.L.

Transplantation 67(1): 152-155


ISSN/ISBN: 0041-1337
PMID: 9921812
Document Number: 505481
Background. The lung is particularly susceptible to reperfusion injury, both experimentally and clinically after transplantation. The extracellular-type preservation solution Celsior, which has been predominantly studied in cardiac preservation, has components designed to prevent cell swelling. free radical injury, energy depletion, and calcium overload. Using an isolated blood-perfused rat lung model, we investigated whether Celsior would decrease preservation injury and improve lung function after cold ischemic storage and reperfusion compared to Euro-Collins (EC) and University of Wisconsin (UW) solutions. Methods. Lewis rat lungs were isolated, flushed with the respective cold preservation solution, and then stored at 4degreeC for 6 or 12 hr. After ischemic storage, the lung block was suspended from a force transducer, ventilated with 100% O2, and reperfused for 90 min with fresh blood via a cannula in the pulmonary artery. Lung compliance, alveolar-arterial oxygen difference, and outflow oxygen tension were all measured. The capillary filtration coefficient (Kf), a sensitive measure of changes in microvascular permeability, was determined. Results. For 6 hr of cold storage, lungs stored in Celsior had lower Kf values than those stored in EC, indicating decreased microvascular permeability. No other significant differences were noted between Celsior and EC or UW. For 12 hr of cold storage, Celsior provided increased oxygenation, decreased alveolar-arterial O2 differences, increased compliance, and decreased Kf values as compared to both EC and UW. Conclusions. Celsior provides better lung preservation than EC or UW as demonstrated by increased oxygenation, decreased capillary permeability, and improved lung compliance, particularly at 12-hr storage times. These results are highly relevant, inasmuch as EC and UW are the most common clinically used lung preservation solutions. Further studies of Celsior in experimental and clinical lung transplantation, as well as in other solid organs, are indicated.

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