State-level variation in Medicare spending
Gage, B.; Moon, M.; Chi, S.
Health Care Financing Review 21(2): 85-98
ISSN/ISBN: 0195-8631 PMID: 11481788 Document Number: 503760
Theoretically, Medicare provides one standard benefit package to all enrollees. But because of State-level variations in populations, service supply, and local practice patterns, national policy changes may have unequal impacts on access and service utilization. Across-the-board policy changes may create hardships in one area while appropriately discouraging use in another area. In this article, the authors describe State-level variations in Medicare enrollees, their insurance coverage, 1995 Medicare and beneficiary spending patterns in aggregate, per capita, and by service, and certain spending patterns for dually eligible beneficiaries. These data are useful for considering the State-level effects of payment reform.