Electromyographic response associated with capsular stroke

Martínez-Castillo, E.; Fernández-Lucas, A.; Ortiz-Alonso, T.

Revista de Neurologia 28(11): 1074-1076


ISSN/ISBN: 0210-0010
PMID: 10390780
Document Number: 503391
Lesions of the pyramidal system are characterized by their effects on qualitative aspects of movement. One of the features of pyramidal defects is the presence of associated movements or synkinesis. We present a case with residual associated electromyographic (EMG) response in a patient who had had a capsular stroke 11 months previously. The patient presented with acute onset of a syndrome of purely motor right hemiparesis (PMH) which improved satisfactorily with complete functional recovery three months later. Eleven months after the acute episode, there was good functional recovery and neurophysiological examination showed the presence of EMG responses associated with the unaffected limb (left hand) when voluntary movements were made with the right hand. The appearance of qualitative alterations of movement associated with pyramidal syndromes and particularly the presence of associated EMG responses in the case of capsular infarct described, may reflect the different processes of reinnervation and functional reorganization which occur following the lesion and which are involved in recovery of motor function.

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