Longitudinal study of lymphocyte subsets and major histocompatibility complex-class II expressing cells in mammary glands of sows
Magnusson, U.
American Journal of Veterinary Research 60(5): 546-548
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-9645 PMID: 10328422 Document Number: 502937
Eight healthy primiparous crossbred sows that had been nursing piglets for 30 to 35 days were used to determine whether there is variation attributable to reproductive stage in lymphocyte subsets and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II expressing cells in mammary glands of sows. Needle biopsy of the mammary gland was performed after parturition, at mid-lactation, and after weaning. Various lymphocyte subsets and MHC class II expressing cells were detected immunohistochemically using monoclonal antibodies. The number of CD8+ cells was significantly lower after parturition than after weaning but not significantly lower than at mid-lactation. The number of IgA-bearing cells was lower after parturition and after weaning than at mid-lactation. There were more B cells at mid-lactation than after weaning. There was no change over time in the number of CD4+ cells or MHC class II expressing cells. Immunohistochemically positive cells were detected only in interalveolar tissue.