Das Verhalten von Zink im normalen und anovulatorischen Zyklus und unter Einnahme von Ovulationshemmern
Hahn, N.; Fuchs, C.
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 217(3): 309-314
ISSN/ISBN: 0932-0067 DOI: 10.1007/bf00669738Document Number: 502793
Serum zinc levels were measured in 3 groups of patients by atomic ab sorption spectrophotometry. In women with normal menstrual cycles, highest zinc concentrations occurred at the time of ovulation. This midcycle peak was not seen in women taking oral contraceptives in whom the concentration remains at a lower level. In women with secondary amenorrhea and untreated anovulatory cycles a constant zinc concentration is also observed. Zinc levels in this group are comparable to the baseline of the ovulatory cycle group, and is higher than in the group treated with ovulation inhibitors. Determinations of serum zinc concentration may represent a method of determining ovulation.