Injuries and spontaneous ruptures of thoracic esophagus

Sulimanov, R.A.

Khirurgiia 2: 18-20


ISSN/ISBN: 0023-1207
PMID: 10081247
Document Number: 502085
The results of treatment of 23 patients with injuries of thoracic part of the esophagus are analysed; in 10 cases spontaneous ruptures were detected. In 20 patients suturing of the esophagus was carried out, as a rule wia transthoracic approach. Lavage-washing system in the area of injury was widely used. Insufficiency of esophageal sutures was detected in 35% of cases. Total postoperative lethality made up 26.0%, and in spontaneous rupture of the esophagus-50%.

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