Dietary and medicamentous therapy of chronic constipation
Schmidbaur, W.; Wienbeck, M.
Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 124(9): 825-832
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-409X PMID: 10544489 Document Number: 501133
Therapy of constipation is complex. It is mainly based on general rules and treatment with dietary fibers. If drugs are necessary they should be applied according to the type of constipation as evidenced by the results of special diagnostic procedures. Some patients may improve with psychotherapeutic procedures. Surgical treatment should be the last choice. The aim of therapy is to relieve the patient from his symptoms and achieve a habit of regular defecation, if possible with only a small amount of laxatives--or better without the application of drugs. Most often a highly individualized therapy is necessary. Many patients consult their doctor only when they have already a grave problem. Therapy then becomes difficult. Information on bowel movements and on how to prevent constipation by the way of living, therefore, should be widely spread in the general population in order to minimize constipation as a medical problem.