The part-time clinical instructor in the undergraduate dental clinic

Chapnick, L.; Chapnick, A.

Journal 64(5): 374-376


ISSN/ISBN: 0709-8936
PMID: 9648420
Document Number: 495685
Currently, part-time dental instructors do not receive formal training in education. According to the recent literature, some instructors may not be aware of all the options available to them in the clinic. It has been observed, for example, that instructors have demonstrated the greatest effectiveness while acting as facilitators rather than as educators. These instructors are able to incorporate their position as role models into their teaching. Dental departments must understand that the tone established in the clinic has a significant impact on the quality of their students' learning experience. This tone arises out of open dialogue between instructors and their students. The complexities of successful teaching can only be conquered when more information is provided to part-time staff.

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