Dynamic middle-phase tensiometry of blood and urine in female patients with malignant tumors of the reproductive organs

Kazakov, V.N.; Trukhin, D.V.; Siniachenko, O.V.; Bondar', G.V.; Iakovets, I.I.; Semikoz, N.G.; Faĭnerman, V.B.; Miller, R.

Voprosy Onkologii 44(3): 334-336


ISSN/ISBN: 0507-3758
PMID: 9695782
Document Number: 495551
An improved version of the MPT2 (LAUDA) computerized tensiometer (Germany) was used to measure dynamic surface tension (ST) of blood and urine by the maximum bubble pressure method in patients with tumors of the uterus, vagina and cervical canal. Relatively low blood and urine ST values at t-->infinity and serum at t = 1 s were registered. Combined radiotherapy involved oppositely-directed changes in the equilibrium (static) ST of the biological fluids as well as a urine ST inhibition in the surface short-life range (t = 0.01 s). The slope of blood serumtension curves by the end of treatment was close to that in healthy females.

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