Prevention of infections among surgeons

Schlichting, E.; Andersen, B.M.

Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening Tidsskrift for Praktisk Medicin Ny Raekke 118(3): 416-418


ISSN/ISBN: 0029-2001
PMID: 9499733
Document Number: 490771
Accidental exposure to blood may represent a frightening experience for health care workers because of the risk of developing infectious diseases, such as hepatitis B and C virus and HIV infection. Recommendations for follow-up after occupational exposure to HIV- and hepatitis infected blood are presented. Post-exposure chemoprophylaxis decreases the risk of occupational HIV infection after percutaneous exposure and should be administered within two hours. Studies have shown that most accidents could have been avoided with better working routines during operations.

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