The benefits of daily hemofiltration in the management of anuria in patients with severe heart failure (NYHA IV)

Iorio, L.; Simonelli, R.; Nacca, R.G.; Saltarelli, G.; Violi, F.

International Journal of Artificial Organs 21(8): 457-459


ISSN/ISBN: 0391-3988
PMID: 9803347
Document Number: 488953
The aim of the study was to evaluate the daily use of hemofiltration in patients with anuria and heart failure IV NYHA, and not reacting to pharmacological therapy. Patients were submitted to daily hemofiltration therapy considering: the dry weight, BP, pO2, creatininemia, natriemia, kaliemia, and magnesiemia. Every month an echocardiogram and an ECG were done. Two patients passed from IV to III class NYHA, with a reduction in the telediastolic diameter and improvement in the ejection fraction and in the cardiothoracic index. In NYHA IV patients, it was possible to obtain a very good improvement in the clinical situation, echocardiographic parameters and survival with daily hemofiltration.

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