Nodular amyloidosis of the tongue

Niemann, A.M.; Werner, J.A.

Otolaryngologia Polska 52(2): 141-145


ISSN/ISBN: 0030-6657
PMID: 9673111
Document Number: 486761
Amyloidosis is a rare disease in otorhinolaryngology. It presents a wide range of clinical manifestations and its deposits can be found in various organs. In the paper, a case of a 73-year-old female patient with macroglossia, as a symptom of nodular amyloidosis is reported. The predominant features were dysphagia and speech impairment caused by the tongue protruding beyond the teeth. The histologic appearance consisted of a nodular pattern of amyloid deposition. The amyloid was of an AL (lambda-light chain) type as shown immunohistochemically. The presented case shows the importance of investigating the patient for co-existing disease.

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