Dental amalgams and urine elimination of mercury in workers exposed to low concentrations of inorganic mercury

Soleo, L.; Pesola, G.; Vimercati, L.; Elia, G.; Michelazzi, M.; Gagliardi, T.; Drago, I.; Lasorsa, G.

La Medicina del Lavoro 89(3): 232-241


ISSN/ISBN: 0025-7818
PMID: 9734193
Document Number: 484270
The aim of the research was to assess the contribution of dental amalgams and other non-occupational factors of exposure to inorganic mercury (diet, etc.) to the quantity of mercury excreted with urine in workers exposed to low level concentrations of inorganic mercury. Two groups of workers (Groups I and II) were studied who were exposed to low and different environmental concentrations of inorganic mercury. These two groups were compared with a group of subjects not occupationally exposed to mercury in the same geographical area (Group III). All subjects were administered a questionnaire concerning personal data, lifestyle, recent removal and/or insertion of dental amalgam fillings, presence of nasal obstruction or bruxism and consumption of fish. The number of amalgam-filled teeth was established for each subject. Mean environmental exposure to inorganic mercury was 0.0087 mg/m3 for Group I and 0.0030 mg/m3 for Group II. Urinary excretion in the 3 groups was 4.2 +/- 2.8 micrograms/l for Group I, 3.0 +/- 2.1 micrograms/l for Group II and 1.6 +/- 1.2 micrograms/l for Group III. The results showed that of the factors of exposure to inorganic mercury, only occupational exposure (T = 9.18; p = 0.000) and the number of amalgam-filled teeth (T = 2.03; p = 0.043) were able to influence significantly urinary excretion of mercury; the sources of non-occupational exposure did not appear to play any role. The contribution of each amalgam filling to urinary mercury excretion was calculated to be 0.08 microgram/l. Occupational exposure therefore, even at low level doses, is still the main cause of urinary mercury excretion in workers exposed to inorganic mercury; of the non-occupational exposure factors, a significant role is played by amalgam dental fillings, whose contribution needs to be taken into consideration in order to make a correct interpretation of the results of biological monitoring of exposed workers.

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