Maintenance treatment with interferon-alfa in multiple myeloma after autotransplantation of peripheral blood progenitor cells. Spanish Register of Transplantation in Myeloma

García Laraña, J.; Díaz Mediavilla, J.; Martínez, R.; Lahuerta, J.J.; Alegre, A.; Odriozola, J.; Sureda, A.; San Miguel, J.; De la Rubia, J.; Escudero, A.; Conde, E.; Bladé, J.; Cabrera, R.; Gastearena, J.; Besalduch, J.; Vidal, M.J.; Hernández, F.; Rifon, J.; Leon, A.; Mataix, R.; Parody, R.; Moraleda, J.M.; Solano, C.; de Pablos, J.M.; Sánchez, J.J.

Sangre 42(Suppl 1): 38-41


ISSN/ISBN: 0036-4355
PMID: 9381300
Document Number: 479733

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