Ursodeoxycholic acid in the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis

Brodanová, M.; Perlík, F.

Casopis Lekaru Ceskych 136(7): 215-220


ISSN/ISBN: 0008-7335
PMID: 9221197
Document Number: 475835
Pharmacotherapy of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) was not resolved unequivocally so far. During the last decade bile acids are used more widely. The objective of the submitted paper was to investigate under conditions of an open perspective study the influence of long-term administration of ursodeoxycholic acid on the clinical course and selected laboratory indicators. Ursodeoxycholic acid (Ursosan cps PRO.MED.CS) was administered to patients with PBC for a period of three years, 10-12 mg/kg/day. The investigation was completed by 13 women with a confirmed diagnosis of PBC which met clinical, laboratory and morphological criteria. During treatment marked improvement of itching was recorded, a significant drop of serum bilirubin, ALP and ALT. Changes of serum albumin levels were recorded only after three years treatment. The prothrombin time and galactose elimination capacity did not change significantly. Immunoglobulins M remained elevated and antimitochondrial antibodies were detected throughout treatment. The prognosis of the disease was evaluated by means of the Mayo score, the values of which declined significantly during the investigation. No serious side-effects were observed during treatment. Clinical evaluation proved beyond doubt a favourable effect of ursodeoxycholic acid on clinical and laboratory findings in PBC. Treatment should be started as soon as possible. Long-term continual administration is preferable.

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