Dimorphous cancer of the lung

Briusov, P.G.; Leonova, V.V.

Voprosy Onkologii 43(2): 205-207


ISSN/ISBN: 0507-3758
PMID: 9214124
Document Number: 470585
Dimorphous cancer of the lung with predominantly peripheral localization was diagnosed in 9 (1.2%) out of 716 patients operated for lung tumor in 1986-1995. The blood-serum levels of neuron-specific enolase, tissue polypeptide antigen, carcinoembryonic antigen, alpha-fetoptotein, CA 19-9 and CA-125 carbohydrate antigens and total activity of alkaline phosphatase were assayed in all the patients before surgery. The study showed an 1.5-times increase in CEA concentration in 5 cases, with primary tumor size being 5 cm and more.

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