Training in psychotherapy at the First Medical Faculty of Charles University
Vymĕtal, J.
Sbornik Lekarsky 97(4): 505-509
ISSN/ISBN: 0036-5327 PMID: 9424717 Document Number: 466292
Psychotherapy has become an independent interdisciplinary subject including prophylaxis, therapy and rehabilitation of health disorders by psychological methods, i.e. methods of communicative and relational nature. The effectiveness of psychotherapy has been scientifically proved. Since 1994, psychotherapy has been mandatory for undergraduate students at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. Students even sit for a final state exam in psychotherapy. Postgraduate studies in psychotherapy have started in 1995 and take four years. The enrollment is 66 now. The curriculum is based on a differentially integrative concept and general model of psychotherapy.