A case of gastric lymphoma in the course of Epstein-Barr virus infection
Radwan, P.; Bienia, A.; Skomra, D.; Pokora, J.; Chibowski, D.
Polski Tygodnik Lekarski 51(14-18): 237-238
ISSN/ISBN: 0032-3756 PMID: 8966169 Document Number: 462862
A case of 18 year old patient with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is presented. Serious organ complications were observed in the course of the disease. Patient's death was a result of the massive gastrointestinal bleeding caused by gastric lymphoma, which was confirmed endoscopically and histopathologically. A possible role of EBV infection in the development of lymphomas is shortly discussed.
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