Male-female differences in the relationship between obesity and lipids/lipoproteins
Margolis, C.F.; Sprecher, D.L.; Simbartl, L.A.; Campaigne, B.N.
International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity 20(8): 784-790
ISSN/ISBN: 0307-0565 PMID: 8856404 Document Number: 462023
OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of gender on the relationship between obesity measures and lipids/lipoproteins. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, matched observational study of adult men and women. SUBJECTS: 225 spousal pairs from Cincinnati, Ohio (age range, 28-66 years; mean +- SD (yr), 44.0 +- 6.7 (men), 42.1 +- 5.9 (women)). MEASUREMENTS: Body mass measures, lipids, lipoproteins, apolipoproteins, physical activity levels, cigarette use and dietary variables. RESULTS: Correlations between the lipids/lipoproteins and body mass index (BMI) were stronger in women than in men for cholesterol (r = 0.24 vs 0.10), LDL-c (r = 0.27 vs 0.12), triglycerides (TG) (r = 0.48 vs 0.23) and the ratio cholesterol/HDL-c (r = 0.47 vs 0.28). Utilizing statistical regression models which included potentially confounding environmental factors, BMI and WHR both contributed significant information to describe cholesterol, HDL-c, TG and cholesterol/HDL-c values in women, whereas WHR alone provided information for these lipids/lipoproteins in men. CONCLUSION: The association between BMI and lipids/lipoproteins appears to be stronger in women than in men. In women, in contrast to men, BMI and WHR, measures which are easily attainable in the clinical setting, provide separate, independent information in the explanation of these lipid/lipoprotein levels.